Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (2024)

Hormone Optimization for Men and Women Who Want to Stop Worrying About Age-Related Problems with Prostate, Testosterone and Hair Loss!

Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (1)

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Supplement Facts

Serving Size 2 Capsules

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving%DV
Saw Palmetto Fruit PE 45% Fatty Acids700 mg †
Pygeum Africanum 2.5% Phytosterols300 mg †
Panax Ginseng 80% Ginsenosides200 mg †
† Daily Value (DV) Established

Other Ingredients: Gelatin

Regular price
$49. 95

Regular price
Sale price
$49. 95

Unit price


The Science

Palmetto+ is nature's most potent prostate medicine, and more! It’s made from a three-blend, ultra-potent combo of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), pygeum africanum, and ginseng extract. It’s natures way of shielding you from invasive medical tests, prescription meds and risky medical procedures.

Proven to work better than anything you can get at a pharmacy, Palmetto+ is the first line of defense against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and age specific hormone decline. If you’re over 30 yo, start using Palmetto+ daily to restore and protect your vitality and virility as you age!

Palmetto+ works by forcing your body to heal itself while optimizing your sex hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS). This science-based, proprietary blend boosts energy, increases circulation and attacks inflammation with laser-sharp precision.

Regular use of Palmetto + smothers benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and curbs the symptoms of male and female menopause in a matter of months. It's also proven to encourage hair growth among aging women. Inspired by Native American medicine, it has thousands of years worth of science supporting its safety and efficacy.

Most Trusted Ingredients the world

  • Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (2)

    Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)

    Saw palmetto is a dwarf tree growing in subtropical and southeastern United States. The active constituents are 70–90% free fatty acids. They are extracted from the dried ripe fruit and were popularized by Native American tribes who used it stay fit and active.

  • Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (3)

    Pygeum (Pygeum africanum)

    Pygeum belongs to the Rosaceae family. The tree occurs in the mountain regions 1500 m above sea level in Southern and Central Africa and in Madagascar, Comoros Islands, and near the Gulf of Guinea. It is an evergreen tree, which grows up to 30–40 m height developing a spreading canopy. The powdered bark is best known from its use by indigenous people for urinary tract disorders and as an aphrodisiac drug in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. The primary active ingredients are phystosterols, most dominantly beta-sitosterol. They smother inflammation by halting the formation of hormone-like substances in the body that ignite inflammation - prostaglandins.

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    Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)

    The pharmacological effects of ginseng have been demonstrated in cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and have been used for promoting immune function, central nervous system (CNS) function, relieving stress, and for its broad range of antioxidant activities. The use of ginseng dates back 2000 years.Known traditionally as Panax quinquefolius or Panax ginseng, Panaxis derived from the word “panacea,” which means a cure for all diseases. The active ingredients ofP. ginsengare the ginsenosides. Almost 50 ginsenosides have been isolated fromP. ginsengroot (white and red ginsengs), and novel structures continue to be identified, particularly fromPanax quinquefolius(American ginseng) andPanax japonica(Japanese ginseng) as well as their berries.

The Research

  • “In this double-blind placebo-controlled study, we have demonstrated the improvement in BPH symptoms and androgen deficiency as a function of higher β-sitosterol content. β-sitosterol has been previously reported to have profound influence on the prostate health. Berges et al. have published their research findings on β-sitosterol wherein a 6-month administration of 20 mg of the compound significantly reduced the prostate size, increased the urine flow rate, and improved the mean voiding time and quality of life score in BPH patients.”

    — Sudeep, H.V., Thomas, J.V. & Shyamprasad, K. A double blind, placebo-controlled randomized comparative study on the efficacy of phytosterol-enriched and conventional saw palmetto oil in mitigating benign prostate hyperplasia and androgen deficiency.BMC Urol20, 86 (2020).

    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (5)

  • “Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)is recognized by more and more people in the following aspects: (a) people are dissatisfied with traditional treatment methods. (b) The study found that the treatment ofSerenoa repenshad no negative effects on male sexual function, especially in ejacul*tion. At the same time, the drug is extracted from berries without any obvious toxicity. (c) In many countries, people can use without a prescription, which greatly increases the awareness rate of this drug. It has become the first-line therapy in many countries.”

    “This study indicated thatSerenoa repenshad the same effect in treating BPH compared with tamsulosin [risky prescription drug] in terms of International Prostate Symptom Score and Quality of Life after at least 6-month treatment cycle, however, the latter had a greater improvement in Prostate Volume compared with the former. AndSerenoa repensdid not increase the risk of adverse events especially with respect to ejacul*tion disorders and libido decrease.”

    — Cai T, Cui Y, Yu S, Li Q, Zhou Z, Gao Z. Comparison ofSerenoa repensWith Tamsulosin in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Mens Health. 2020 Mar-Apr;14(2)

    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (6)

  • “Saw Palmetto berry extracts (SPBE), a common herbal supplement taken by men with enlarged prostates, may also have anticancer properties. Led by Dr. C. Pal Sharma of Boston BioProducts in Milford, MA, the research team analyzed the effect of SPBE on cancer cells. They exposed prostate cancer cells and a common cancer cell line to different concentrations of berry extract and monitored their growth in the laboratory.

    They found that a much smaller amount of SPBE was required for prostate cancer cells than for common cancer cells, suggesting that SPBE is very specific to prostate cancer cells, even though the expression of COX-2 protein was similarly reduced in both types of cancer cells after SPBE exposure. In addition, the same research group later identified eight sterol components, of which beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol inhibit prostate cancer growth by increasing p53 protein expression and reduce carcinogenesis in DU145 cells by decreasing p21 and p27 protein expression. These findings demonstrated the potential of sterols from SPBE as potential antitumor agents.”

    — Wolfgang H. Goldmann. Saw Palmetto may fight prostate cancer. Cell Biology International. 20 June 2023.

    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (7)

  • "We found that SP supplementation reduced body weight gain by decreasing visceral and epididymal fat weights and the levels of serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein/very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, SP supplementation increased muscle endurance, sperm counts, and testosterone biosynthesis through hormonal regulation.

    In Leydig cells under hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress, SP treatment directly induced testosterone biosynthesis by activating the mRNA expression of the genes encoding 17,20-desmolase and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4. In conclusion, our results suggest that supplementation of saw palmetto may be useful for alleviating the symptoms of andropauseviadirect and indirect regulation of testosterone biosynthesis.”

    — Jeong Moon Yun,Minhee Lee,Dakyung Kim,K. Shyam Prasad,Sangwon Eun,Ok-Kyung Kim,andJeongmin Lee. Standardized Saw Palmetto Extract Directly and Indirectly Affects Testosterone Biosynthesis and Spermatogenesis. Journal of Medicinal Food. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. Volume 24. Issue 26.

    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (8)

  • "One of the promising candidates for cancer prevention is ginseng. People who consume ginseng preparations are at lower risk of cancers in the stomach, lung, liver, pancreas, ovaries, colon, and oral cavity (Yun 2003).P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius, and other related plants includingPanax japonicusare frequently used for medicinal purposes. Although a complex mixture of compounds is present in these plants, the ginsenosides are mostly responsible for the pharmacological effects…”

    — Wee JJ, Mee Park K, Chung AS. Biological Activities of Ginseng and Its Application to Human Health. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, editors. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2011. Chapter 8.

    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (9)


Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (10)

"My husband has prostate problems. psa #s was 7.84 3 yrs ago. Had a biopsy done (before we knew better) and 3 out of the 12 biopsies was cancerous, 2 of them were medium grade and one was light/low grade. So I started him on palmetto. His numbers came down over a yrs time. Dr's were amazed and wondered why the #s came down so far, 1.45 normal, we smiled as we walked out the door and then started laughing at there response and facial expressions cause we knew why. All the products have stories to them. Love them all!!! Thank you!!"*

Kathy from Marshfield, WI

Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (11)

"I'm on my third day of taking Palmetto+. I used to get up and pee 5 to 6 times per night. Last night I got up once."*

John from Columbus, OH

I Ship Day and Night to Millions Throughout the USA!

Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (12)

My 3-Step Purity Promise

My 3-Step Purity Promise is an iron-clad policy that guarantees safety and efficacy of every plant-based medicine that comes out of my lab. Using the exact same standards I used as a pharmaceutical bench chemist, it goes far beyond the basic requirements of United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the grocery store term, “organic.” No other company in the world can promise this.

First, it guarantees that every medicinal ingredient is derived and identified from plants, herbs, spices or aquatic life - nothing synthetic and not a single “vitamin” is used. Second, it guarantees that every product is free of pesticides, insecticides, and any other type of inorganic products. And most importantly, it promises that there are no hidden sugars or artificial flavors in any formulation!

    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (13)

    Hormone Optimization for Men and Women Who Want to Stop Worrying About Age-Related Problems with Prostate, Testosterone and Hair Loss!

    • Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (14)

      Supplement Facts

      Serving Size 2 Capsules

      Servings Per Container 30

      Amount Per Serving%DV
      Saw Palmetto Fruit PE 45% Fatty Acids700 mg †
      Pygeum Africanum 2.5% Phytosterols300 mg †
      Panax Ginseng 80% Ginsenosides200 mg †
      † Daily Value (DV) Established

      Other Ingredients: Gelatin

      Regular price
      $49. 95

      Regular price
      Sale price
      $49. 95

      Unit price


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Palmetto + is an age-essential, botanical medicine for adult men and women who want to preserve and protect their hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS).

    As men grow older, their hormone intelligence is thrown out of whack. High insulin and blood sugar rise. The side effect is damaged metabolism and a drop in testosterone among men and women. Estrogen shoots sky high. The high estrogen, insulin and blood sugar cause enlarged prostate, akin to increased belly fat.

    Some BPH medications are called alpha-blockers. By relaxing the muscles around the prostate to reduce pressure on the urethra, alpha-blockers usually improve urinary flow. While that can be a relief, it doesn’t come without trading for common side effects that can include stomach or intestinal problems, a stuffy nose, headache, dizziness, tiredness, a drop in blood pressure, and ejacul*tory problems, to name a few.

    Another type of drug, called a 5-alpha-reductase-inhibitor, is also prescribed for enlarged prostate. It is designed to shrink the prostate gland by decreasing the amount of DHT in the body and it may take three to six months to effectively relieve symptoms. The trade-off are numerous side effects that include an inability to achieve an erection, decreased sexual desire and a reduced amount of sem*n. Essentially you are being converted to a young woman internally.

    Other conventional treatments include the use of microwaves, surgery and lasers up the behind, but these will almost certainly mean an end to a man’s sex life… not an appealing option for a large number of men.

    For the past several decades, European doctors have routinely used a variety of plant-based products to treat benign prostate enlargement and lower urinary tract symptoms. Such products include saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, pygeum and pumpkin seed extracts. Unlike conventional treatments, these supplements work to correct your hormone balance the way nature intended. Combining them with the lifestyle habits mentioned Chapter 11 in the Amazon best-seller, Over-The-Counter-Natural Cures Expanded, is crucial for success.

    Saw palmetto is one of the most popular herbal supplements taken for BPH. The extract comes from the ripened berries of the saw palmetto shrub. It works to protect the prostate from becoming overly sensitive to the hormones that cause it to grow abnormally. Studies have demonstrated that saw palmetto is effective in relieving all of the major symptoms of BPH including increased nighttime urinary frequency, the most bothersome complaint. The popularity of saw palmetto extract is also due to its proven safety and tolerability. It has a remarkably benign side-effect profile and is virtually free of the harmful effects on sexual function that are commonly observed with BPH treatments, such as the alpha-blockers and the 5-alpha-reductase-inhibitors. Long term use of saw palmetto has shown no increase in adverse effects over time.

    The benefits of saw palmetto are derived from an abundance of fatty acids and phytosterols, particularly beta-sitosterol, which is well known for its beneficial effects on BPH, as an antioxidant and as a cancer-preventing botanical. It works by depriving the prostate of the growth-inducing, testosterone metabolite DHT. Adhering to nutrient logic and ensuring that beta-sitosterol is in your diet can also help inhibit the development of prostate adenoma (tumor) and cancer-causing prostaglandins.

    Saw palmetto is not toxic. As indicated in the heavily referenced Herb, Drug, and Nutrient Interactions Manual, “interactions between saw palmetto and prescription drugs resulting from herbal modulation of drug metabolism systems have not been reported.” Fortunately, saw palmetto does not stress our detox enzymes and, therefore, will not have negative interactions with common prescription drugs.

    Palmetto+ is the best, purely natural, noninvasive, first line of defense for men concerned about an enlarged prostate.

    No. Palmetto+ I absolutely safe.

    Hormone Optimization for Men and Women Who Want to Stop Worrying About Age-Related Problems with Prostate, Testosterone and Hair Loss!

    • Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (15)

      Supplement Facts

      Serving Size 2 Capsules

      Servings Per Container 30

      Amount Per Serving%DV
      Saw Palmetto Fruit PE 45% Fatty Acids700 mg †
      Pygeum Africanum 2.5% Phytosterols300 mg †
      Panax Ginseng 80% Ginsenosides200 mg †
      † Daily Value (DV) Established

      Other Ingredients: Gelatin

      Regular price
      $49. 95

      Regular price
      Sale price
      $49. 95

      Unit price


    The People’s Chemist provides these articles for information only. They are not meant to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and do not replace professional medical advice from a medical doctor. I am not a doctor and would only “play doctor” if I was with my wife. In fact, I have not even read Grey’s Anatomy.

    * Every testimonial on this site is true and correct as submitted by active customers. Their results are individual cases and do not at all guarantee that you will get the same results. Results vary widely and there is nothing that works 100%.

    ** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA. Products sold by The People’s Chemist are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical disease. They are not approved by FDA.

    Information provided by The People’s Chemist is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. If you want more detailed information, readOver-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded. Also, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or emergency.

    The information on this website is not intended to diagnose you, treat you, cure you or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site. Product sold on this site are for personal use and not for resale.

    All orders placed through this website are subject to The People’s Chemist acceptance, in its sole discretion. This means that The People’s Chemist may refuse to accept, or may cancel, any order, whether or not it has been confirmed, without liability to you or any third party. The People’s Chemist reserves the right to discontinue any program or offer.

    For a master list of references and scientific citations relevant to the content of The People’s Chemist, pleaseclick here.

    ‡ Recent media coverage and scientific publications has focused on the ingredients generically, not the individual products that contain those ingredients.

    † Individual results may vary

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    Palmetto+ - The People's Chemist (2024)


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    Author: Reed Wilderman

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    Name: Reed Wilderman

    Birthday: 1992-06-14

    Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

    Phone: +21813267449721

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    Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.