Rain Bird® PAR+/PAR+ES: Timing Mechanism Not Powering On/ No 5V LED Illuminated on the Power Interconnect Board - BoardTronics (2025)

Lesson Summary: This lesson is designed to assist the user in what would cause a PAR+/PAR+ES Timing Mechanism to not power on and the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board to not be illuminated.



If a PAR+ or PAR+ES Timing Mechanism is not powering on or has no data showing on the display and the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, there may be an issue with the Power Interconnect Board, Power Transformer, Timing Mechanism, Communication Board, or one or more of the Output Station Modules. Follow the guided steps below to determine which component(s) require replacement.

Testing the Power Interconnect Board:

The Power Interconnect Board is located in the satellite enclosure at the top, directly above the Output Station Module located in the first position.

Start by locating the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board.

Rain Bird® PAR+/PAR+ES: Timing Mechanism Not Powering On/ No 5V LED Illuminated on the Power Interconnect Board - BoardTronics (1)

When looking at the Power Interconnect Board, the 5V LED is located on the left-hand side of the board, while the 24V LED is located on the right-hand side of the board.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, there may be an issue with the incoming voltage from the Power Transformer, or one or more components in the satellite have been damaged.

If the 5V LED is not illuminated, proceed to measure the incoming voltage from the Power Transformer.

Power off the satellite using the On/Off rocker switch located on the Power Supply Assembly.

Next, unplug the 4-pin power connector from the Power Interconnect Board. The 4-pin power connector will have two orange wires and two blue wires.

*Note: If a strain relief is present protecting the wires on the back of the connector, remove the strain relief to gain access to the connector pins.

Using a digital multimeter or voltmeter set to the AC Voltage setting, measure the voltage where the wires enter the back of the 4-pin connector by placing the probes of your digital multimeter or voltmeter on each of the blue wires.

Your digital multimeter or voltmeter should display a reading of 8.5VAC; up to 10VAC is acceptable.

If your digital multimeter or voltmeter displays a reading less than 8.5VAC, there may be an issue with the Power Transformer or the incoming utility voltage.

If the reading displayed on the multimeter falls within the acceptable range, proceed to unplug all wires and cables from the Power Interconnect Board, leaving the Power Interconnect Board mounted in the satellite.

Plug only the 4-pin power connector containing the two orange wires and two blue wires back into the Power Interconnect Board.

Power the satellite on.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is illuminated, further troubleshooting is required.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, the Power Interconnect Board is damaged and should be replaced.

Replacement Power Interconnect Boards can be purchased here.

Testing the Timing Mechanism:

If the Power Interconnect Board was tested using the steps outlined above and the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board was illuminated when all other components were unplugged, the Timing Mechanism will need to be tested.

The Timing Mechanism is located at the top of the satellite under the top lid enclosure.

Power off the satellite using the On/Off rocker switch located on the Power Supply Assembly.

Next, plug the 24-pin Timing Mechanism Cable back into the Power Interconnect Board.

*Note: At this time, the only components that should be plugged into the Power Interconnect Board are the Timing Mechanism and the 4-pin power connector from the Power Transformer.

Power the satellite on.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is illuminated, further troubleshooting is required.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, the Timing Mechanism is damaged and should be replaced.

Replacement Timing Mechanisms can be purchased here.

Testing the Communication Board:

If the Power Interconnect Board and Timing Mechanism were tested using the steps outlined above and the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board was illuminated, the Communication Board will need to be tested.

The Communication Board is mounted on the back of the Timing Mechanism under the top lid enclosure.

Power off the satellite using the On/Off rocker switch located on the Power Supply Assembly.

Next, plug the 10-pin Communication Cable into the Power Interconnect Board.

*Note: If the Timing Mechanism has been tested and is known to be working properly, it may stay plugged into the Power Interconnect Board for this test.

Power the satellite on.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is illuminated, further troubleshooting is required.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, the Communication Board is damaged and should be replaced.

Replacement 2-Wire Communication Boards can be purchased here.

Replacement LINK Communication Boards can be purchased here.

Testing the Output Station Modules:

If the Power Interconnect Board, Timing Mechanism, and Communication Board have each been tested using the steps outlined above and the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board was illuminated following each test, the Output Station Modules will need to be tested.

The Output Station Modules are located in the satellite enclosure directly below the Power Interconnect Board.

*Note: Before testing each Output Station Module, visually inspect all connectors and ribbon cable ends for any signs of corrosion. Corrosion on connectors and/or ribbon cables can cause functionality issues for Output Station Modules down-line. Remove and replace Output Station Modules showing visible signs of corrosion before proceeding with the following test.

Power off the satellite using the On/Off rocker switch located on the Power Supply Assembly.

Next, unplug each Output Station Module in the satellite from one another. The Output Station Modules may stay mounted in the satellite for this test.

Plug the Output Station Module in the first position into the Power Interconnect Board. The Output Station Module in the first position is located directly below the Power Interconnect Board.

Power the satellite on.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, the Output Station Module in the first position is damaged and should be replaced.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is illuminated, proceed to test the remaining Output Station Modules.

Power the satellite off.

Plug the Output Station Module in the second position into the Output Station Module in the first position, leaving the Output Station Module in the first position plugged into the Power Interconnect Board.

Power the satellite on.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated, the Output Station Module in the second position is damaged and should be replaced.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is illuminated, proceed to test the remaining Output Station Modules in ascending order until all Output Station Modules in the satellite have been tested.

*Note: Power to the satellite should beoffwhen reconnecting each individual Output Station Module.

Upon reconnecting each Output Station Module, power the satellite back on to verify that the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is illuminated.

If the 5V LED on the Power Interconnect Board is not illuminated after reconnecting an Output Station Module, the most recently reconnected Output Station Module is damaged and should be replaced.

Replacement Output Station Modules can be purchased here.

Lesson tags: rain bird, rainbird, par+, par+ es, par plus, par plus es, repair, help, troubleshooting, exchange, motherboard, timing mechanism, faceplate, pib, power interconnect board, osm, output station module, boardtronics

Rain Bird® PAR+/PAR+ES: Timing Mechanism Not Powering On/ No 5V LED Illuminated on the Power Interconnect Board - BoardTronics (2025)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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